Granite Hills High School will be hosting this year’s winter formal Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Grizzlies gymnasium.
All Porterville Unified High Schools will come together to create the vision for an amazing winter formal. Students from each of the PUSD high schools are invited to attend.
The tickets are $35, including drinks and snacks that are available throughout the whole night. The dance will take place from 8-11 p.m.
The theme for this year is A Snowflake Ball and is going to be a night full of shimmering lights, music, and dancing. This is the first time that winter formal was moved to January instead of December but why?
“We chose the snowflake ball winter formal theme this year because this is the first time in a long time we move the dance from December to January and so we wanted it to be a wintery theme and the high schools came together and decided a snowflake ball,” Granite Hills ASB adviser Ms. Lozano said.
Students can wear formal to semi-formal attire like tuxedos, ties, button-ups, dresses, dress pants, dress shoes or heels. Attire should reflect the elegance of any formal event.
Tickets are on sale and students can purchase them in the student activities office. However, if a student isn’t from the Porterville Unified School District they can get a guest pass for the same price.
The students that will be going to winter formal have high expectations.
“What I am expecting from winter formal is to have a good time, take pictures, and make memorable memories with my friends,” Granite Hills senior Sergio Baez said.
Although students get snacks and drinks, it doesn’t really fill up their appetite, so the question arises. If students are eating dinner, will they be eating dinner before or after?
“I have high expectations for formal,” Granite Hills senior Grace Gonzales said. “I think its going to be really fun, and I am going to spend time with my friends. I also expect to see good decorations. My friends and I believe that eating before is better and we will be eating at Denny’s.”
Ticket sales end this week, buy tickets for yourself and your friends to have an amazing night.