Vanessa Alvarado
Seniors Brenda Bernal and Gabriel Lemus plan to graduate in December in hopes of moving on to the next chapter in their lives.
Everybody has a different path to life beyond high school. My situation is no different as I have decided to graduate early this December.
Graduating early has many advantages and disadvantages. Graduating early allows the individual to get into the professional world before others. Another upper hand would be having pride in yourself as it boosts your confidence. Lastly, the flexibility to transfer into college at a less competitive time than in the spring semester is another advantage of early graduation.
However, graduating early has its downside such as potentially missing out on senior activities like prom, senior brunch, senior sunset, etc. An additional downside is less time to prepare for college. Last but not least is the possibility for the student to feel socially disconnected from their peers who graduate later.
As for me, graduating early was not on my mind nor did I think I was able to. However, after talking to my counselor, Mrs. Molina here at Granite Hills, she told me that it was possible. Of course, it wasn’t easy. It has certain requirements to be completed on time or you’ll be at the risk of not graduating early.
I had to make an appointment with my counselor letting her know the idea of graduating early was on my mind. She then proceeded to ask me, “Why? What was the specific reason for wanting to graduate early?”
After mentioning to her how I wanted to get ahead in my dream career, she understood. She then proceeded to arrange an appointment with my parents. We had to sign and send a request form to the district.
From there, during my junior year, I had to complete the FAFSA form with the seniors. During the summer, I had to do summer school to complete the necessary credits. Now, I am doing eight classes in total to graduate early. I have two English classes and two history classes. Additionally, I am starting my last course on Edgenuity for the additional five credits needed to graduate in December.
My plan after high school is to attend Porterville College and then transfer to Fresno City College in hopes of becoming a radiology technician. From there, I wish to get into nursing school to become a NICU RN, a nurse who works in pediatrics from the time of birth until they are discharged from the hospital. It’s always been a desire of mine to help out my community.
Gabriel Lemus is another student who decided on early graduation. He is involved in many activities on campus such as ASB, yearbook, CSF, and multiple sports. His reason doesn’t differ much from mine. He wants to get into his career quicker. He desires to study business to open up a restaurant someday because he loves to cook.
Meanwhile, senior Vanessa Alvarado chose to rather stay her full four years. She is in the Academy of Careers in Education (ACE) Pathway as well as involved in GTV. She believes she wants to enjoy her years without a rush.
Although she wouldn’t graduate early, she says, “Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion.”
My counselor Ms. Molina did nudge me to stay the full year of my senior year but I had other plans. Needless to say, counselors do not encourage graduates early as it does have its disadvantages.
Again, everybody’s high school story is different. This is a part of mine and I wanted to share it with everyone.